Update Exchange Rate

At any time, you can update local prices of your in-app item or price template using the latest daily exchange rate (the daily exchange rate used is KEB Hana Bank's exchange rate from the previous business day).

Exchange rates fluctuate on a daily basis. Sometimes, you may need to adjust your prices if a country's currency has been devalued or they are experiencing inflation.

If exchange rates fluctuate more than 5%, the Exchange Rate Information button in the In-App Purchase tab will pulse slowly, alerting you to check and update your exchange rates.

You can update the exchange rate of:

  • a price template: update the exchange rates for all in-app items associated with the price template, which updates the local prices including those that have been manually set.
  • a single in-app item: update the exchange rates for this in-app item, which updates the local prices including those that have been manually set.
  • all in-app items and price templates: update the exchange rates for all in-app items and price templates. Any local prices that have been manually set are not updated.

View the last applied and current exchange rate

You can view that last applied exchange rate and the date it was applied and compare it to the current exchange rate:

  1. From the In App Purchase tab of a selected app, click Exchange Rate Information

  2. The Exchange Rate Information table displays the list of countries, currency, latest applied exchange rate and the date on which it was applied, the latest exchange rate and the date, and the percentage difference between the latest applied and latest exchange rates.


Update the exchange rate of a price template

To update the exchange rate of a price template:

  1. From the In App Purchase tab of a selected app, click Price Template

  2. Select the Template Name.

  3. Click Update Exchange Rate.

  4. Read the notice and click Yes to update all local prices.

  5. Click Save to save your changes then click Close to return to the list of in-app items.

Update the exchange rate of a single in-app item

To update the exchange rate of an in-app item not connected to a price template,

  1. Open the in-app item, locate the Price section, and click on the standard price.

  2. Click Update Exchange Rate.

  3. Read the notice and click Yes to update all local prices.

  4. Click Close and Save to return to the list of in-app items.

Update the exchange rate of all in-app items and price templates

To update the exchange rate for in-app items and price templates,

  1. From the In App Purchase tab of a selected app, click Exchange Rate Information

  2. Check the latest exchange rates and the changes from the latest applied exchange rates. If you want to update the exchange rates for all in-app items and price templates, click Update Exchange Rate.

  1. Read the notice. If you click Yes to continue, it can take up to 1 minute to apply the latest exchange rates. You cannot cancel this action.