Application Publication Process
After completing your application development, you can publish your application on Samsung Apps TV.
Go to the Samsung Apps TV Seller Office and register your application. The application publishing process is managed through the TV Seller Office.
Publishing New Applications
To publish a new application:
Prepare the following files before submitting your application.
Element Dimensions Format Maximum Size Application package - WGT, TPK - Application icons 2015 TV models 512x423 px PNG 300 kB 2016 and later TV models Foreground 1920x1080 px PNG 300 kB Background JPG, PNG Application screenshot image 1280x720 px
1920x1080 pxJPG 500 kB Application UI description - PPTX - If you plan to release your application in multiple countries, you must prepare an application name and description in each country's language.
Create a new application in the "Applications" menu in the Samsung Apps TV Seller Office.
Simply enter the application name, application type, and default language to create a new application ID.
Upload the application package from the "Applications > App Package" menu.
During the process of uploading the application package, a pre-test is executed, and the settings and applied functions within the application package are checked and detected, and any problems are notified.
Register the application information required for application service: Information to be registered includes the application image, application title and description by language, service information, service country, and application billing, feature, and test information.
Request an application release from the "Applications > Distribute" menu.
When requesting a release, you select a TV model group where the application is offered and run, and pre-tests for the entered application information and the selected model group are run. If there is any problem that prevents the application from being submitted, you will be notified.
Upon receiving an application release request, Samsung reviews the application, conduct a verification test, and notify the seller of the result.
The application may be rejected during the review process, and if a flaw is found in the application during the verification process, it may not be released. In this case, you need to resolve the problem and resubmit. For more information, refer to the Resolving Defects guide.
If the service passes Samsung's verification test, the application service starts in the Smart TV model group in the service country.
Publishing Updated Applications
To update your application version:
Create an application package with the updated code.
Upload the updated application package from the "Applications > App Package" menu in the Samsung Apps TV Seller Office.
During the process of uploading the application package, a pre-test is executed, the settings and applied functions within the application package are checked and detected, and any problems are notified.
If the feature or service information changes as the application is updated, modify it to the latest information: the application image, application title and description by language, service information, service country, and application billing, feature, and test information
Request a new version release from the "Applications > Distribute" menu.
When requesting a release, you select a TV model group where the application is offered and run, and pre-tests for the entered application information and the selected model group are run. If there is any problem that prevents the application from being submitted, you will be notified.
Upon receiving an application release request, Samsung reviews the application and conduct a verification test, and notify the seller of the result.
The application may be rejected during the review process, and if a flaw is found in the application during the verification process, it may not be released. In this case, you need to resolve the problem and resubmit. For more information, refer to the Resolving Defects guide.
If the new version passes Samsung's verification test, it is released to the TV model group.
Conducting Beta Test before Officially Publishing Applications
Before you publish an application to Samsung Apps TV, you can first distribute the beta to users to receive usability assessments for new features and conduct beta tests to identify problems.
It is also possible to conduct beta tests in different versions depending on the model group. For more information, refer to the Proceeding to Beta Test guide.
If you have any questions about the release process, defects, or system functions, please contact us through the "1:1 Q&A" menu in the Samsung Apps TV Seller Office.