Launch Checklist

This launch checklist is a quick guide to check the essential items required before submitting an application to the Samsung Apps TV Seller Office.

Before submitting your application to the Samsung Apps TV Seller Office, make sure the criteria listed in the following sections are met. Following this checklist will help to avoid unnecessary delays in both testing and release.


The following files are required in an application package:

  • tizen-manifest.xml or config.xml
  • author-signature.xml
  • signature1.xml

If the application supports a variety of architectural platforms, it is packaged in a multi-architecture package.

Multi-architecture packages are created as a zip file, a single integrated package, after a fourth digit is added to the version and packaged per architecture. Within a multi-architecture package, there are no more than 10 package files of one type, wgt or tpk.


The Samsung TV SDK for Tizen provides 3 levels of privileges: public level, partner level, platform level.

As per Samsung policy, partner-level APIs are only available for Samsung TV Apps partners. In order to get authorization to use privilege APIs, contact your Samsung Content Manager.

If the permission is not present to an application using privilege API, it will be blocked at the Seller Office's pre-test step.


Required information such as Tizen ID, Application Version, API Version, Application Title, Screensize, and so on must be defined in the "config.xml" or "tizen-manifest.xml" file, and if you declare metadata tags and privilege APIs to provide application functionality, use it according to the rule.

Tizen ID (Tizen Application ID)

The Samsung TV SDK for Tizen generates a unique Tizen application ID for application package automatically. Two different Tizen applications cannot be registered with the TV Seller Office using the same Tizen ID.

If you are updating an existing Tizen application, you must use the same Tizen ID as the previous version.

Package ID

When you build your project in Tizen Studio, the package ID has to be unique, and cannot contain special characters. If any app is already registered in TV Seller Office with the same package name, you won’t be allowed to register the application.

Application Version

The expected value of a Tizen package version is [0-255].[0-255].[0-65535]. For multi-architecture packages, a fourth digit is added and the version number is used in the format [0-255].[0-255].[0-65535].[0-99999]. For example: 1.0.0 / / 10.21.100 /, etc

When you upload a new package to TV Seller Office, it must not overlap with the version of the existing package.

To update the version of an application published on Samsung Apps TV, you must submit a higher version of the package. For example: 1.0.001 → 1.0.002 or 1.1.001 or 2.0.001, etc


When a multi-architecture package is created, it is packaged for each architecture and an architecture tag value is added to the configuration file. This value is related to the unique number of the fourth digit that is added to the version.

API Version

The value of required_version tag defined in configuration file must meet the standard x.y format. For example: 2.4

You can submit an application's API version to a group of Smart TV models that support it. For example: If the application with the API version of 2.4 or higher, only runs on 2016 TVs. If the API version is 2.3 or lower, it can run on both 2016 and 2015 TVs.

Application Title

The name or label information in the configuration file must be same with the app title for default language set in the TV Seller Office.

When registering your application in TV Seller Office, you can set the application title and description in all supported languages and also the default language.


Screen size information must be specified in feature tag of configuration file.

Privilege API

In applications with the "In-app AD" feature, the adinfo API must be declared. Applications that do not have that feature should not be declared arbitrarily.

In applications with the "Samsung Checkout" billing function, the sso.partner, productinfo, and billing APIs must be declared. Applications that do not have that feature should not be declared arbitrarily.

The smartcontroller.microphone API should not be declared arbitrarily because only pre-consulted applications are available it. In order to get permission to use it, contact your Samsung Content Manager.

The keymanager, systemmanager, and websetting APIs are no longer available.

Application Package Security

Every application package created in the Tizen SDK is signed with the author’s signature, which is generated automatically at the time of building the application package. This is to guarantee that the contents of application package are authorized by you and is not modified by others without permission.

When you submit the first version of any Tizen application, it can be signed with any signature. However, to update an existing Tizen application, it needs to be signed with the same author’s signature as the previous version.


You are expected to prepare the following items:

  • App UI Description file according to the UI description guide
  • Logo asset image (with transparency) and background image to be used as application icon
  • Four screenshots of your application (JPEG format, smaller than 500kB, sized 1280x720 or 1920x1080 pixels). These screenshots will be displayed in Samsung TV Apps on Smart TV.
  • Application title and description in each of the supported languages for the Samsung TV Apps
  • Privacy policy URL to be provided the user if you collect personal information of your user in the application
  • Contact information (email address) for VOC enquiries
  • Test account credentials, vouchers, etc. with enough credit to fully test the application on all selected platforms