Modifying Membership

This guide explains how to update your information and how to opt out of your TV Seller Office membership.

Updating Your Information

You can edit your email address, country/region, and time zone information at any time in the "Membership > My Information" menu.

Figure 1. My Information menu

Input Field Description

Enter an email address that can receive mail. The TV Seller Office sends news and notifications to this address.
Country or Region

Enter the location of your company. A Samsung Content Manager may be assigned to you based on your location.
Time Zone (GMT)

Set the time zone of your location. Time information is displayed according to this setting.

Table 2. Modifiable member information

Modify the required information and click "Save" to change it immediately.

Withdrawing Membership

If you no longer need your TV Seller Office membership, you can withdraw your membership.

Withdrawing your membership has the following prerequisites:

  • If you are the manager of a group, you must delegate that role to other members of the group. For more information, see the Transferring Group Manager Role section of the Managing Seller Groups guide.
  • If you own an application, you must delegate ownership to the group manager of your seller group or terminate the application service.

All information and activity history of the account (applications, 1:1 Q&A, etc.) will be deleted from the TV Seller Office, and any previous history is not restored even if you sign up again with the same account in the future.

If you click the "Withdraw Membership" button in the "Membership > My Information" menu, you are presented with a membership withdrawal page after checking the login password.

Figure 2. Membership Withdrawal page

If you click the "Withdraw Membership" button after checking the withdrawal instructions, your withdrawal is processed immediately.