Introduction - Native
Nov 24, 2016
Gallery sample application displays simple image exchange interactions between the host device and the Galaxy Watch device using Accessory SDK. This sample application is a companion type and is provided in two following types.
Provider (Android) and Consumer (Galaxy Watch)
This sample application has two parts:
Works in host device and has no UI.
Accepts a receiving service connection request from Galaxy Watch device.
Replies to a receiving command to fetch image list from Galaxy Watch device with list extracted from host application.
Replies to a receiving command to fetch images from Galaxy Watch device with actual images after encoding it as BASE64.
Works in Galaxy Watch device and has UI.
Initiates service connection request and send commands to host device.
When receiving a response, decodes BASE64 encoded images and show it to user.
Provider (Galaxy Watch) and Consumer (Android)
This sample application has two parts:
Works in Gear device.
Accepts a receiving service connection request from host device.
Replies to a receiving command to fetch image list from host device with list extracted from Gear application.
Replies to a receiving command to fetch images from host device with actual images after encoding it as BASE64.
Works in host device and has UI.
Initiates service connection request and send commands to Galaxy Watch device.
When receiving a response, decodes BASE64 encoded images and shows it to user.