What’s New

Here’s a quick look at the new features in Galaxy Watch Studio.


New name

Galaxy Watch Designer is now Galaxy Watch Studio!

Korean lunar calendar

Year tag ID

The digital clock component supports the Korean lunar calendar.

Year is a new tag ID that can be used in a tag expression.

Language setting improvements

Customizable grid settings

Search for a specific language and filter languages by region for a digital clock component (Properties > Type > Language).

Style, Gridline Every, and Subdivisions settings added to Preferences (Edit > Preferences > View).

Layer area improvements

  1. Search layers for a component.
  2. Use the scroll bar to navigate the layers.
  3. Group and ungroup items.


Custom complications

Save one or more components in your watch face as a complication. Then, re-use this custom complication in other watch faces.


Colored layers

A color can be applied to a layer and its component outline inherits the same color.

Change properties for multiple components

Change the Dimension, Placement, Rotate, Appearance, and Text Appearance properties of all selected components at the same time.

Show/Hide and Lock/Unlock

Component outline

Show/Hide and Lock/Unlock of a component can be set from the component’s layer dropdown menu.

The component outline configuration settings can be enabled and disabled individually.


Text formatting

Weather component actions

A component’s text can be formatted from the Properties window.

When set as a button, weather components have additional actions that can be performed such as update weather data and change temperature unit.

Component outline

Properties and Run window controllers

Enable Outline Highlight to display the outline of a component when you mouse over it.

  • Click and drag the cursor on labels to set values.

  • Hover the cursor on the slider and use the mouse scroll wheel to change values.

Gyro effects for text and digital clock components

Gyro effects can be applied to text and digital clock components.


Enhanced Run preview

In the GWD panel, the Run preview window has replaced the Resource window.* The Run preview window displays how the watch face looks and works in real time. Run preview includes the following features:

  • View weather data

  • Improvements to Gyro controller UI

  • View your watch face on changeable combinations of devices and straps

For more details, see the Testing section.

* How to add fonts (previously done from the Resource window) has been changed. See the How can I add new font? FAQ for details.

Tizen platform support and enhancements

The Tizen minimum OS version is changed to Tizen 3.0 (Previously, it was Tizen 2.3.1). This allows GWD to include the following features:

  • Second Hands > Sweep – Adjust the pivot angle, rotation, and start value/end value

  • Tag Expressions – The [s] tag, which provides the Movement effect option, allows for more continuous movement (movement several times per second)

Devices not supported by GWD 1.7.0: Gear S, Gear Fit2, Gear Fit2 Pro, Gear S2 (use GWD v1.6.2 or older to develop watch faces for these devices)

64-bit Windows support for better performance

64-bit Windows improves the performance of GWD and allows GWD to handle larger files. You must have a 64-bit JRE and version 1.8 or later installed on your system. Use GWD 1.6.2 or older on 32-bit Windows systems.


Galaxy Watch Designer

With the launch of the new Galaxy Watch, the Gear Watch Designer has been renamed Galaxy Watch Designer.

GWD optimized for macOS

Tag expression

The GWD macOS UX has been enhanced. Try the GWD optimized for macOS.
Download GWD for macOS.

With tag expressions, you can create various effects on your watch faces. Tag expressions allow you greater freedom to make unique and desirable watch faces.
For more details, see Tag Expression.

Runtime permission

Change watch face Preview image

Galaxy Watch Designer supports runtime permission to protect users’ personal data. Set the API version to Tizen 4.0 and build the .tpk file, which automatically generates the runtime permission feature.
For more details, click here

You can change the preview image of your watch face. Set the watch image that shows the time and data you want as your preview image.


Enhanced gyro sensor

You can now monitor the X and Y axes independently to apply realistic 3D effects and make watch face that react to movement.
For more details, see the Gyro tutorial.

Uninstall watch faces from Gear Watch Designer

You can now uninstall watch faces from watches using the Gear Watch Designer. This helps you easily manage your watch faces while testing. To uninstall a watch face, go to Project > Uninstall > Connected watch > Uninstall watch face.


Manual language control

Easy distance units

The new Gear Watch Designer lets you manually select the languages that your watch face supports in each country. You can also select the default language to show when the user’s language isn’t supported.

Now you don’t need to make multiple versions of your watch face to show the user’s preferred distance units (km/miles). A simple conditional line lets you automatically set the units based on the user’s Samsung Health settings.
For more details, see the Conditional lines section.

New animation options

Animate your watch face easily using the new Repeat options (On-next-second, On-next-minute, On-next-hour) or set time intervals between your animations.


New models supported

Detailed data

The Gear Watch Designer now supports both of the newest watch models.

Add cipher (left-pads) and set the number of decimal places for accuracy and aesthetics. Now your can show numbers down to the tenths or hundredths. (Precision)

Enhanced conditional lines

12-hour and 24-hour modes

Now you can loop conditional lines. For example, you can make a show/hide pattern on conditional lines and let it repeat continuously. You can also easily rename layers just by double clicking the name field.
For more details, see the Conditional lines section.

Now you don’t need to make separate 12-hour and 24-hour watch faces. Conditional lines can be used to show or hide the 12 or 24-hour versions based on the time mode on the phone.
For more details, see the Conditional lines section.