Manage Your Galaxy Store Badges

If you have one or more Galaxy Store badge links, you can review the URLs or download a badge image.

A list of badge links that you generated can be viewed in Seller Portal:

  1. Log in to Seller Portal.

  2. Click on Promotion and then Badges.

  3. From the Badges page, you can:

    • View your list of badge links. The list is sorted by creation date, with the newest/most recently created badge at the top of the list.

    • Filter the list of badge links by type or search by application title. You can have only one badge link associated with a single application.

    • Copy the badge URL and use it in your marketing materials. Since the new badge URLs are long, consider using a URL shortener (there are many available to use for free).

Download a badge image

You can download an image file to use in your marketing materials.

  1. Log in to Seller Portal.

  2. Click on Promotion and then Badges.

  3. Click Download Badge.

  4. From the Download Badge pop-up, select the language you want displayed on the badge, the image type (Downlad or Pre-registration), the image file type (PNG or EPS), and the badge background color (black or white).

  5. Click Download.

The following are examples of badge images in different languages.

Korean download badge, black
Korean pre-registration badge, white

Polish download badge, white
Polish pre-registration badge, black

Spanish download badge, black
Spanish pre-registration badge, white