Modify App Data

Modify app information (including images, icons, and binary files) after an app has been submitted and is FOR SALE in Galaxy Store using the Content Publish API.


POST /seller/contentUpdate

See the View seller's app details successful response example for the JSON structure. See the Content Publish API Reference for more information about the request parameters.

curl -i -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>" \
  -H "service-account-id: <your-service-account-id>" \
  -d '{"contentId": "000007654321","appTitle": "Publish API Tester","icon": null,"iconKey": "5d33bb33-9999-0000-1111-66776633dd99",
"contentStatus": "REGISTERING","defaultLanguageCode": "ENG","applicationType": "android","longDescription": "test app","shortDescription": "","newFeature": "",...........}' \

To replace a screenshot, use the reuseYn and screenshotKey parameters. See screenshots parameters for more information.

To add to the supportedLanguages, addLanguage, and sellCountryList parameters, append additional content to the JSON structure.

To remove all content from the addLanguage, binaryList, screenshots, and sellCountryList parameters, leave them blank in the request (for example, "addLanguage" : ""). To keep the existing content for these parameters (neither add nor delete content), set them to null (for example, "binaryList" : "null").


Modify App Metadata

curl -i -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>" \
  -H "service-account-id: <your-service-account-id>" \
  -d '{
      "contentId": "000007654321",
      "appTitle": "The best app ever!",
      "iconKey": "<new-icon-key>",
      "defaultLanguageCode": "ENG",
      "longDescription": "new-long-description",
      "shortDescription": "",
      "newFeature": "<new-feature>",
      "ageLimit": "0",
      "chinaAgeLimit": "0",
      "openSourceURL": "",
      "privatePolicyURL": "",
      "youTubeURL": "",
      "copyrightHolder": "",
      "supportEMail": "",
      "supportedSiteUrl": "",
      "standardPrice": "10",
      "paid": "Y",
      "publicationType": "03",
      "startPublicationDate": "2021-03-31 10:00:00",
      "stopPublicationDate": "2022-01-02",
      "usExportLaws": true,
      "reviewComment": "<new-review-comment>",
      "reviewFilename": null,
      "reviewFilekey": "<new-review-file-key>",
      "edgescreenKey": "<new-edge-screen-key>",
      "edgescreenplusKey": "<new-edge-screen-plus-key>",
      "supportedLanguages":["DEU", "ENG", "FRA"],
      "heroImageKey": "<new-hero-Image-key>",
      "addLanguage" : "null",
      "binaryList" : "null",
      "screenshots" : "null",
      "sellCountryList" : "null"
     }' \

Remove and add countries of app sales

curl -i -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>" \
  -H "service-account-id: <your-service-account-id>" \
  -d '{
      "contentId": "000007654321",
      "appTitle": "The best app ever!",
      "defaultLanguageCode": "ENG",
      "paid": "N",
      "publicationType": "03",
       {"countryCode": "DEU", "price": "0"},
       {"countryCode": "FRA", "price": "0"},
       {"countryCode": "GBR", "price": "0"},
       {"countryCode": "USA", "price": "0"},
       {"countryCode": "<new-sell-countryCode1>", "price": "0"},
       {"countryCode": "<new-sell-countryCode2>", "price": "0"},
       {"countryCode": "<new-sell-countryCode3>", "price": "0"},
       {"countryCode": "<new-sell-countryCode4>", "price": "0"}
      "supportedLanguages":["DEU", "ENG", "FRA"]
    }' \

Remove and add app screenshots

curl -i -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>" \
  -H "service-account-id: <your-service-account-id>" \
  -d '{
      "contentId": "000007654321",
      "appTitle": "The best app ever!",
      "defaultLanguageCode": "ENG",
      "paid": "N",
      "publicationType": "03",
        {"reuseYn": true},
        {"screenshotKey": "<update-screenshot-2-key>", "reuseYn": false},
        {"screenshotKey": "<update-screenshot-3-key>", "reuseYn": false},
        {"reuseYn": true},
        {"screenshotKey": "<new-screenshot-5-key>", "reuseYn": false},
        {"screenshotKey": "<new-screenshot-6-key>", "reuseYn": false}
    }' \

Remove additional languages for app

curl -i -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>" \
  -H "service-account-id: <your-service-account-id>" \
  -d '{
      "contentId": "000007654321",
      "appTitle": "The best app ever!",
      "defaultLanguageCode": "ENG",
      "paid": "N",
      "publicationType": "03",
          "languagecode": "<new-addLanguage-1-code>",
          "newFeature": "<new-addLanguage-1-code-new-feature>",
          "description": "<new-addLanguage-1-code-description>",
          "appTitle": "<new-addLanguage-1-code-title>",
            {"screenshotKey": "<new-addLanguage-1-screenshot-1-key>", "reuseYn": false},
            {"screenshotKey": "<new-addLanguage-1-screenshot-2-key>", "reuseYn": false},
            {"screenshotKey": "<new-addLanguage-1-screenshot-3-key>", "reuseYn": false},
            {"screenshotKey": "<new-addLanguage-1-screenshot-4-key>", "reuseYn": false}
          "languagecode": "<new-addLanguage-2-code>",
          "newFeature": "<new-addLanguage-2-code-new-feature>",
          "description": "<new-addLanguage-2-code-description>",
          "appTitle": "<new-addLanguage-2-code-title>",
            {"screenshotKey": "<new-addLanguage-2-screenshot-1-key>", "reuseYn": false},
            {"screenshotKey": "<new-addLanguage-2-screenshot-2-key>", "reuseYn": false},
            {"screenshotKey": "<new-addLanguage-2-screenshot-3-key>", "reuseYn": false},
            {"screenshotKey": "<new-addLanguage-2-screenshot-4-key>", "reuseYn": false}
      }' \

Register binary

curl -i -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer <your-access-token>" \
  -H "service-account-id: <your-service-account-id>" \
  -d '{
      "contentId": "000007654321",
      "appTitle": "The best app ever!",
      "defaultLanguageCode": "ENG",
      "paid": "N",
      "publicationType": "03",
            "fileName": "MyApp.apk",
            "binarySeq": "1",
            "versionCode": "3",
            "versionName": "3",
            "packageName": "",
            "nativePlatforms": null,
            "apiminSdkVersion": "1",
            "apimaxSdkVersion": null,
            "iapSdk": "N",
            "gms": "Y",
            "filekey": null
            "binarySeq": "2",
            "gms": "Y",
            "filekey": "<new-binary-file-key>"
      }' \



Status: 200 Success
  "ctntId": "000007654321",
  "contentStatus": "REGISTERING",
  "httpStatus": "OK",
  "errorCode": null,
  "errorMsg": null

See Failure response codes for a list of possible response codes when a request fails.