All Channels
Any user who has accessed your app's detail page. This is the total number of users who have visited you app’s detail page.
Any user who does not fit into any category (excluding All Channels) but whose source can be identified.
Organic users who do not fit into any organic category. These are users who are browsing Galaxy Store and viewing apps that are interesting to them.
Featured Banner
Organic users who click on a banner from one of the main pages in Galaxy Store.
Featured Icon
Organic users who click on an icon from one of the main pages in Galaxy Store.
Galaxy Store Badge
Non-Organic users who click a special short link that was generated from the Samsung Developer Dashboard or in Seller Portal. See Galaxy Store Badge Promotion for more information about Galaxy Store badges.
If a badge click comes from a category already tracked in GSS (for example, from a Twitter post), the click is counted once and attributed to the Galaxy Store badge category only.
The badge must be linked to the product detail page of an Android app or Galaxy Watch app. GSS does not track badges for Theme product detail pages nor Theme/Galaxy Watch Seller brand pages.
Galaxy Store
All organic users. These users find your app from a link within Galaxy Store.
HUN (Heads-Up Notification)
Non-Organic users who respond to a push notification generated by the Galaxy Store platform (used exclusively by Galaxy Store). See Push Notification for notifications generated by the Samsung Messaging Platform.
Native Apps
Non-Organic users whose source is another Samsung product (for example, Bixby, Gear Manager [Galaxy Wearables], or S Finder) or from a Samsung domain (for example, com.sec.* or*).
Any user who does not fit into any category (excluding All Channels) and whose source cannot be identified.
Organic users who visit a Galaxy Store promotion page and either download your app or go to your app's detail page.
Galaxy Store promotion pages are accessed by clicking the gift icon ( ) in the top right corner of any main section (Featured, Exclusives, Themes, or Watch) in Galaxy Store.
Push Notification
Non-Organic users who respond to a push notification generated by the Samsung Messaging Platform (used by Galaxy Store and other Samsung teams). See HUN for notifications generated by the Galaxy Store platform.
Non-Organic users who directly access your app's detail page and whose source cannot be identified.
Any user who finds your app's detail page from a Samsung-generated source. This includes organic, Native Apps, HUN, Push Notification, Social, Galaxy Store Badge, and Referral users.
Organic users who use the Galaxy Store search page to find your app's detail page.
Non-Organic users who follow a link from a social networking platform (such as Twitter, Instagram, LINE, or Facebook).
If a click from a social networking platform comes from a Galaxy Store Badge, the click is counted once and attributed to the Galaxy Store badge category only.