Content Publish API Reference

This page lists the parameters, country codes, and language codes used with the view seller’s app details response and modify app data request in the Content Publish API.

    "contentId": "000007654321",
    "appTitle": "The best app ever!",
    "icon": "",
    "iconKey": null,
    "contentStatus": "REGISTERING",
    "defaultLanguageCode": "ENG",
    "applicationType": "android",
    "longDescription": "The app that solves all your problems.",
    "shortDescription": "",
    "newFeature": "",
    "ageLimit": "0",
    "openSourceURL": "",
    "privatePolicyURL": "",
    "youTubeURL": "",
    "copyrightHolder": "",
    "supportEMail": "",
    "supportedSiteUrl": "",
          "fileName": "App_filename.apk",
          "versionCode": "3",
          "versionName": "3",
          "packageName": "",
          "nativePlatforms": null,
          "apiminSdkVersion": "26",
          "apimaxSdkVersion": null,
          "iapSdk": "N",
          "gms": "Y",
          "filekey": null
    "standardPrice": "0",
    "paid": "N",
    "autoAddCountry": false,
    "publicationType": "01",
    "startPublicationDate": null,
    "stopPublicationDate": "2023-01-02",
    "usExportLaws": true,
    "reviewComment": null,
    "reviewFilename": null,
    "reviewFilekey": null,
    "edgescreen": null,
    "edgescreenKey": null,
    "edgescreenplus": null,
    "edgescreenplusKey": null,
      {"countryCode": "AUT", "price": "0"},
      {"countryCode": "DEU", "price": "0"},
      {"countryCode": "ESP", "price": "0"},
      {"countryCode": "FRA", "price": "0"},
      {"countryCode": "ITA", "price": "0"},
      {"countryCode": "JPN", "price": "0"},
      {"countryCode": "KOR", "price": "0"},
      {"countryCode": "NLD", "price": "0"},
      {"countryCode": "TUR", "price": "0"}
    "supportedLanguages":["DEU", "ENG", "FRA", "ITA", "JPN", "KOR"],
        "languagecode": "DEU",
        "newFeature": "",
        "description": "The app that solves all your problems.",
        "appTitle": "The best app ever!",
            "screenshotPath": "",
            "screenshotKey": "ScreenImage_202102230000000002_filekey",
            "reuseYn": false
            "screenshotPath": "",
            "screenshotKey": null,
            "reuseYn": true
            "screenshotPath": "",
            "screenshotKey": null,
            "reuseYn": true
            "screenshotPath": "",
            "screenshotKey": null,
            "reuseYn": true
        "screenshotPath": "",
        "screenshotKey": "ScreenImage_20210218000000000_filekey",
        "reuseYn": false
        "screenshotPath": "",
        "screenshotKey": null,
        "reuseYn": true
        "screenshotPath": "",
        "screenshotKey": null,
        "reuseYn": true
        "screenshotPath": "",
        "screenshotKey": null,
        "reuseYn": true
        "name": "Others",
        "type": "ONE_DEPTH_CATEGORY"
        "name": "Music",
        "type": "GENERAL_CATEGORY"
    "heroImage": "",
    "heroImageKey": null

General parameters

Name Type Description
addLanguage AddLanguage[] Add local languages in which you want to provide application information. Dismiss when null is entered (neither add nor delete content), remove all when an empty distribution is entered. See addLanguage parameters.

ageLimit int The Samsung age rating of the app. See Age Category under Age Rating for more information.

Valid values: 0, 4, 12, 16, 18

chinaAgeLimit string Age restriction for China.

Required value if any of the code values in the defaultLanguageCode or addLanguage list are in Chinese.

Valid values: 0, 3, 8, 12, 16, 18

appTitle string The name of the app that is displayed in your Galaxy Store listing (maximum: 100 bytes).

The app title can be unique or the same as any other app title registered in Seller Portal or distributed in Galaxy Store.

Per the App ID policy, if you register an app title with an app ID that are the same title and ID of a previously registered app, then you cannot choose the distribution devices and countries as the previously registered app.

autoAddCountry boolean Automatically distribute the app to a new country or group when it initially becomes available.

Y: Distribute your app to a new country or group.
N: Do not distribute your app to a new country or group.

binaryList Binaryinfo[] Dismiss when null is entered (neither add nor delete content), remove all when an empty distribution is entered. See binaryList parameters.

category category[] One or more app store groups that best describe the app. See category parameters. Cannot be modified.

contentId string Required in a request. The unique 12-digit identifier of the app.

copyrightHolder string For apps that have copyrighted content, the name of the copyright holder of the app (maximum: 100 bytes).

If a company is the holder, enter the company name. If an individual is the holder, enter the individual's name. When specified, the copyright holder's name is displayed in the Galaxy Store listing instead of the seller's name. When not specified, the seller's name is displayed as the copyright holder.

defaultLanguageCode string Required in a request. The language in which you provide application information. See Language codes for addLanguage and defaultLanguagecode for a list of supported languages.

Note: If the app is published in more than one country, in order to pass app review, this must be set to "ENG"

edgescreen image file Name of the image file.

App icon or logo file that must be a PNG file, 160x2560 pixels, and up to 1024 KB.

edgescreenKey string The fileKey associated with the uploaded file. In a request, you must create a session ID and then upload the file to obtain the fileKey.

edgescreenplus image file Name of the image file.

App icon or logo file that must be a PNG file, 550x2560 pixels, and up to 1024 KB.

edgescreenplusKey string The fileKey associated with the uploaded file. In a request, you must create a session ID and then upload the file to obtain the fileKey.

heroImage image file Name of the image file.

In some countries, the image file displayed at the top of the app detail page (JPG or PNG file, 1200x675 pixels, and up to 1024 KB).

You can use this field if you select a category name of Games.

heroImageKey string The fileKey associated with the uploaded file. In a request, you must create a session ID and then upload the file to obtain the fileKey.

icon image file Name of the image file.

App icon or logo file. For an Android app, it must be a PNG file, 512x512 pixels, and up to 1024 KB.

iconKey string The fileKey associated with the uploaded file. In a request, you must create a session ID and then upload the file to obtain the fileKey.

longDescription string Explanation of the app (including a description, features, requirements, and supported languages) that is displayed in your Galaxy Store listing (maximum: 4000 bytes).

If the app has two or more distribution countries, the description must be in English. For non-English apps, the description must contain a warning stating that the full features of the application may not be available on devices that do not support the app's languages.

For link-follower Galaxy Watch apps, the description must inform users that the linked app must be installed.

newFeature string Explanation of the changes made to an updated app (maximum: 4000 bytes).

Use this field if the app is being updated.

notifyResult string[] Email address(es) that are notified when the status of the app registration changes (maximum: 20 email addresses).
openSourceURL string For apps that use or include open source software, the URL of the open source license (maximum: 200 bytes).
paid boolean Required in a request. Whether or not app download requires a user payment.

Y: Users must pay to download the app.
N: The app is free, users can download it without payment.

privatePolicyURL string For apps that have a privacy policy that require a separate notification, the URL of the app privacy policy (maximum: 200 bytes). If a privacy policy is not specified, the category may be changed during certification.

Required if the Kids category is selected. Optional for all other app categories.

publicationType string Required in a request. When the app is published:

01: Publish automatically (publishes the app after the Pre-Review phase has completed).
02: Publish on date (when the app has passed the Pre-Review phase, the app sale starts automatically on the date specified by startPublicationDate).
03: Publish manually (the seller must publish the app after all phases of the review process have successfully completed).

reviewComment string Information to help with the evaluation of the app to determine whether or not the app is to be distributed (maximum: 4000 bytes).
reviewFilekey string The fileKey associated with the uploaded file. In a request, you must create a session ID and then upload the file to obtain the fileKey.

screenshots Screenshot[] Dismiss when null is entered (neither add nor delete content), remove all when empty distribution is entered. See screenshots parameters.

sellCountryList SellCountry[] Countries and groups of countries to which the app is to be distributed. Dismiss when null is entered (neither add nor delete content), remove all when empty distribution is entered. See sellCountryList parameters.

shortDescription string Brief explanation of the app displayed in the Chinese Galaxy Store listing (maximum: 40 bytes).

Use this field if Simplified Chinese is one of your selected languages.

standardPrice string Standard price in USD (United States of America dollars) that determines the default country-specific price for all distribution countries.
startPublicationDate string Enter as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. When distribution of the app in Galaxy Store begins when publicationType is set to 02.

stopPublicationDate string Enter as yyyy-MM-dd. When distribution of the app in Galaxy Store stops.
supportedLanguages string[] One or more languages that the app presents graphically or audibly in its UX, instructions, or other ways communicating to users. See Language codes for supportedLanguages for a list of supported languages.

supportEMail string Email address of the person to whom app end-users can send inquiries (maximum: 100 bytes).
supportedSiteUrl string URL of the available end-user support site for the app (maximum: 200 bytes).
usExportLaws boolean Whether or not you certify that the app is in compliance with all applicable U.S. export laws for export to other countries.

Y: You certify your app is in compliance.
N: You do not certify your app.

If your app is not in compliance, it cannot be submitted for validation and distribution.

youTubeURL string YouTube video ID of a YouTube video related to the app (11 characters). The initial screenshot and hyperlink of the video is automatically displayed in the first screenshot location of the Galaxy Store listing.

addLanguage parameters

    "languagecode": "DEU",
    "newFeature": "",
    "description": "The app that solves all your problems.",
    "appTitle": "The best app ever!",
         "screenshotPath": "",
         "screenshotKey": null,
         "reuseYn": true
         "screenshotPath": "",
         "screenshotKey": null,
         "reuseYn": true
         "screenshotPath": "",
         "screenshotKey": null,
         "reuseYn": true
         "screenshotPath": "",
         "screenshotKey": null,
         "reuseYn": true
Name Type Description
languagecode string Required if you are updating addLanguage. Add a language in which you want to provide application information. See Language codes for addLanguage and defaultLanguagecode for a list of supported languages.

newFeature string Explanation of the changes made to an updated app (maximum: 4000 bytes).
description string Required if you are updating addLanguage. Explanation of the app (including a description, features, requirements, and supported languages) that is displayed in your Galaxy Store listing (maximum: 4000 bytes).

For non-English apps, the description must contain a warning stating that the full features of the application may not be available on devices that do not support the app's languages.

For link-follower Galaxy Watch apps, the description must inform users that the linked app must be installed.

appTitle string Required if you are updating addLanguage. The name of the app in the selected language that is displayed in your listing of a Galaxy Store that supports the language.

screenshots Screenshot[] Dismiss when null is entered, remove all when an empty distribution is entered. See screenshots parameters.

To remove all content from this parameter, leave it blank in the request (for example, "addLanguage" : ""). To keep the existing content for this parameter (neither add nor delete content), set it to null (for example, "addLanguage" : "null").

binaryList parameters

    "fileName": "App_filename.apk",
    "binarySeq" : "1",
    "versionCode": "3",
    "versionName": "3",
    "packageName": "",
    "nativePlatforms": null,
    "apiminSdkVersion": "26",
    "apimaxSdkVersion": null,
    "iapSdk": "N",
    "gms": "Y",
    "filekey": null
Name Type Description
apimaxSdkVersion int The maximum API level or OS version supported by the binary file.
apiminSdkVersion int The minimum API level or OS version supported by the binary file.
binarySeq int Required when changing existing binary data. Copy the value from the contentInfo response. This value is not visible in Seller Portal.

filekey string Required for new registration or replacement of a binary file. The fileKey associated with the uploaded file. In a request, you must create a session ID and then upload the file to obtain the fileKey.

filename string Name of the binary file.
gms boolean Required if you are updating binaryList. Whether or not the app provides the user with any Google™ services (such as Google Maps™, Gmail™, and Talk).

Y: The app provides one or more Google services.
N: The app does not provide any Google services.

The distribution of an app that provides the user with any Google services is prohibited in some countries (such as China) and is automatically enforced by Seller Portal. When registering a new version of a binary file, this setting can be changed, if needed.

iapSdk boolean Whether or not the app provides in-app purchase items using Samsung In-App Purchase (IAP) SDK:

Y: The app uses Samsung IAP.
N: The app does not use Samsung IAP.

nativePlatforms string Supported architecture information.

Valid values: null, 32bit, 32/64bit, or 64bit

packageName string The App ID (maximum: 1,000 bytes).
versionCode string Integer value that represents the version of the app code in the binary file relative to other versions.
versionName string The release version of the app code in the binary file that is displayed in Galaxy Store.

To add a new binary to your app, append a new set of the parameters to the existing binaryList. You can register up to 10 binary files and the extensions of all binaries registered for an app must be identical.

To remove all content from this parameter, leave it blank in the request (for example, "binaryList" : ""). To keep the existing content for this parameter (neither add nor delete content), set it to null (for example, "binaryList" : "null").

For example, to add a new binary, if this is the binaryList in the contentInfo response:

    "fileName": "App_filename.apk",
    "binarySeq" : "1",
    "versionCode": "3",
    "versionName": "3",
    "packageName": "",
    "nativePlatforms": null,
    "apiminSdkVersion": "26",
    "apimaxSdkVersion": null,
    "iapSdk": "N",
    "gms": "Y",
    "filekey": null

Change the binaryList parameter to this in the request to add the new binary uploaded with the fileUpload API:

    "fileName": "App_filename.apk",
    "binarySeq" : "1",
    "versionCode": "3",
    "versionName": "3",
    "packageName": "",
    "nativePlatforms": null,
    "apiminSdkVersion": "26",
    "apimaxSdkVersion": null,
    "iapSdk": "N",
    "gms": "Y",
    "filekey": null
    "binarySeq" : "2",
    "gms": "Y",
    "filekey": "<new-binary-filekey>"

Or, to replace the existing binary instead of appending a new one:

    "binarySeq" : "1",
    "gms": "Y",
    "filekey": "<new-binary-filekey>"

See App Binary Registration for more details.

category parameters

    "name": "Others",
    "type": "ONE_DEPTH_CATEGORY"
    "name": "Music",
    "type": "GENERAL_CATEGORY"
Name Type Description
name string One or more app store groups that best describe the app.

Available categories and sub-categories depend on the platform, binary files, permissions, and other factors. Unless governed by distribution country requirements, the app is listed in Galaxy Store under one or both categories and sub-categories. If the category selected is not suitable for the application, it may be changed automatically.

Select from one of the following: Kids, Games, Travel, Social, Music, Decoration, Office, Photo, Book, LifeStyle, Tool, Video, System, Finance, Shopping, Education, or Traffic Health.

type string Required if a name is specified that has a subcategory (see next table). One or more app store sub-groups that best describe the app.
Category name Sub-Category type
Kids Valid values: Play, Learning, Story
Games Valid values: Puzzle, Online Game, Action/Adventure, Shooting, Racing, Strategy, Board, Role Playing, Arcade, Card, Casino, Casual, Music, Simulation, Sports, Trivia, Word

By selecting a specific game sub-category (Arcade, Card, Casino, Casual, Music, Simulation, Sports, Trivia, Word), you are not allowed to select China for the country of sale.

screenshots parameters

     "screenshotPath": "",
     "screenshotKey": null,
     "reuseYn": true
     "screenshotPath": "",
     "screenshotKey": null,
     "reuseYn": true
     "screenshotPath": "",
     "screenshotKey": null,
     "reuseYn": true
     "screenshotPath": "",
     "screenshotKey": null,
     "reuseYn": true
Name Type Description
screenshotPath image file Image file of app screenshot to be displayed in your Galaxy Store listing (JPG or PNG file, 320-3840 pixels with a maximum 2:1 aspect ratio).

You must register 4-8 screenshots. If more than eight screenshots are uploaded, only the first eight images are displayed.

If you register a link to a YouTube video, a screenshot of the video and the link is displayed automatically in the first screenshot location of the Galaxy Store listing.

screenshotKey string Set to null if you are re-using the same screenshot. If you want to replace the screenshot, set this to the image filekey (create a session ID and then upload the file to obtain the fileKey) and set the reuseYn parameter to false.

reuseYn boolean Required if you are updating screenshots. Whether you want to continue using the existing screenshot.

true: Re-Use the screenshot.
false: Replace the screenshot. Enter the filekey to the image using the screenshotKey parameter.

To remove all content from this parameter, leave it blank in the request (for example, "screenshots" : ""). To keep the existing content for this parameter (neither add nor delete content), set it to null (for example, "screenshots" : "null").

If you want to remove one or more screenshots, remove it from the request parameters.

For example, if these are the screenshots parameters in the contentInfo response:

    "screenshotPath": "",
    "screenshotKey": null,
    "reuseYn": true
    "screenshotPath": "",
    "screenshotKey": null,
    "reuseYn": true
    "screenshotPath": "",
    "screenshotKey": null,
    "reuseYn": true
    "screenshotPath": "",
    "screenshotKey": null,
    "reuseYn": true
    "screenshotPath": "",
    "screenshotKey": null,
    "reuseYn": true
    "screenshotPath": "",
    "screenshotKey": null,
    "reuseYn": true

To remove the last two screenshots, change the screenshots parameters to this in the request:

    "screenshotPath": "",
    "screenshotKey": null,
    "reuseYn": true
    "screenshotPath": "",
    "screenshotKey": null,
    "reuseYn": true
    "screenshotPath": "",
    "screenshotKey": null,
    "reuseYn": true
    "screenshotPath": "",
    "screenshotKey": null,
    "reuseYn": true

sellCountryList parameters

  {"countryCode": "AUT", "price": "0"},
  {"countryCode": "DEU", "price": "0"},
  {"countryCode": "ESP", "price": "0"}
Name Type Description
countryCode string Required if you are updating sellCountryList. Countries and groups of countries to which the app is to be distributed. See Country codes for sellCountryList for the list of country codes.

price double Country-Specific price (in the local currency). The price must fall within the minimum and maximum allowable price for the country, if applicable (prices may vary by country).

See Entering information on country/region and price for more details.

To remove all content from this parameter, leave it blank in the request (for example, "sellCountryList" : ""). To keep the existing content for this parameter (neither add nor delete content), set it to null (for example, "sellCountryList" : "null").

Country codes for sellCountryList

Sorted by region, then alphabetically by country name.

"AUT": "Austria",
"BEL": "Belgium",
"BGR": "Bulgaria",
"HRV": "Croatia",
"CZE": "Czech",
"DNK": "Denmark",
"EST": "Estonia",
"FIN": "Finland",
"FRA": "France",
"DEU": "Germany",
"GRC": "Greece",
"HUN": "Hungary",
"IRL": "Ireland",
"ITA": "Italy",
"LVA": "Latvia",
"LTU": "Lithuania",
"LUX": "Luxembourg",
"NLD": "Netherlands",
"NOR": "Norway",
"POL": "Poland",
"PRT": "Portugal",
"ROU": "Romania",
"SRB": "Serbia",
"SVK": "Slovakia",
"ESP": "Spain",
"SWE": "Sweden",
"CHE": "Switzerland",
"TUR": "Turkey",
"GBR": "United Kingdom"

"BLR": "Belarus",
"KAZ": "Kazakhstan",
"RUS": "Russia",
"UKR": "Ukraine"

"AUS": "Australia",
"CHN": "Chinese",
"HKG": "Chinese Hong Kong",
"TWN": "Chinese Taiwan",
"IND": "India",
"IDN": "Indonesia",
"JPN": "Japan",
"KOR": "Korea",
"MYS": "Malaysia",
"NZL": "New Zealand",
"PHL": "Philippines",
"SGP": "Singapore",
"THA": "Thailand",
"VNM": "Vietnam"

"ARG": "Argentina",
"BRA": "Brazil",
"CAN": "Canada",
"CHL": "Chile",
"COL": "Colombia",
"MEX": "Mexico",
"PER": "Peru",
"USA": "USA"

Middle East and Africa
"DZA": "Algeria",
"BHR": "Bahrain",
"EGY": "Egypt",
"IRN": "Iran",
"IRQ": "Iraq",
"ISR": "Israel",
"JOR": "Jordan",
"KWT": "Kuwait",
"LBN": "Lebanon", // only free applications are available
"LBY": "Libya",
"MAR": "Morocco",
"OMN": "Oman",
"QAT": "Qatar",
"SAU": "Saudi Arabia",
"ZAF": "South Africa",
"TUN": "Tunisia",
"ARE": "United Arab Emirates",
"YEM": "Yemen"

"GLB": "Global A", 
"GLF": "Global A Free", // only free applications are available
"ISU": "Global Free", // only free applications are available
"GPB": "Pan Latin Free", // only free applications are available
"GPF": "Pan-Africa (English)", // only free applications are available
"GPA": "Pan-Africa (French)", // only free applications are available
"GPL": "Pan-Latin"
"BTS": "Beta Test Store" // only free applications are available

Language codes for addLanguage and defaultLanguageCode

Sorted alphabetically by language.

"ARA": "Arabic",
"BUL": "Bulgarian",
"ZHO": "Chinese Simplified",
"002": "Chinese Traditional",
"HRV": "Croatian",
"CES": "Czech",
"DAN": "Danish",
"NLD": "Dutch",
"ENG": "English",
"EST": "Estonian",
"FIN": "Finnish",
"FRA": "French",
"GLA": "Gaelic",
"DEU": "German",
"ELL": "Greek",
"HEB": "Hebrew",
"HUN": "Hungarian",
"IND": "Indonesian",
"ITA": "Italian",
"JPN": "Japanese",
"KAZ": "Kazakh",
"KOR": "Korean",
"LAV": "Latvian",
"LIT": "Lithuanian",
"NOR": "Norwegian",
"FAS": "Persian",
"POL": "Polish",
"POR": "Portuguese",
"RON": "Romanian",
"RUS": "Russian",
"SRP": "Serbian",
"SLK": "Slovakian",
"SPA": "Spanish",
"SWE": "Swedish",
"THA": "Thai",
"TUR": "Turkish",
"UKR": "Ukrainian",
"VIE": "Vietnamese"

Language codes for supportedLanguages

Sorted alphabetically by language.

"ARA": "Arabic",
"HYE": "Armenian",
"ASN": "Assamese",
"AZE": "Azerbaijani",
"EUS": "Basque",
"BEN": "Bengali",
"BUL": "Bulgarian",
"CAT": "Catalan",
"ZHO": "Chinese Simplified",
"002": "Chinese Traditional",
"HRV": "Croatian",
"CES": "Czech",
"DAN": "Danish",
"NLD": "Dutch",
"ENG": "English",
"EST": "Estonian",
"FAS": "Farsi",
"FIN": "Finnish",
"FRA": "French",
"GLG": "Galician",
"KAT": "Georgian",
"DEU": "German",
"ELL": "Greek",
"GUJ": "Gujarati",
"HAU": "Hausa",
"HEB": "Hebrew",
"HIN": "Hindi",
"HUN": "Hungarian",
"ISL": "Icelandic",
"IBO": "Igbo",
"IND": "Indonesian",
"GLE": "Irish",
"ITA": "Italian",
"JPN": "Japanese",
"KAN": "Kannada",
"KAZ": "Kazakh",
"KHM": "Khmer",
"KOR": "Korean",
"LAO": "Lao",
"LAV": "Latvian",
"LIT": "Lithuanian",
"MKD": "Macedonian",
"MSA": "Malay",
"MAL": "Malayalam",
"MAR": "Marathi",
"MON": "Mongolian",
"BUR": "Myanmar",
"NEP": "Nepali",
"NOR": "Norwegian",
"ORI": "Oriya",
"POL": "Polish",
"POR": "Portuguese",
"PAN": "Punjabi",
"RON": "Romanian",
"RUS": "Russian",
"SRP": "Serbian",
"SIN": "Sinhala",
"SLK": "Slovakian",
"SLV": "Slovenian",
"SPA": "Spanish",
"LAT": "Spanish_Latin",
"SWE": "Swedish",
"TAM": "Tamil",
"TEL": "Telugu",
"THA": "Thai",
"TUR": "Turkish",
"UKR": "Ukrainian",
"URD": "Urdu",
"UZB": "Uzbek",
"VIE": "Vietnamese",
"YOR": "Yoruba"