This document describes how to debug a receiver application and smartview TV server.
TV's Infomation
Input http://TV_IP:8001/api/v2/ a browser as same network AP
if 404 or 500 error return, try to reboot the TV.
(It means SmartView SDK server in not work)
Server Infomation
[MUST] set TV in development mode
- On TV, goto Apps => My Apps and using the remote, enter 12345 in sequence.
- Set Developer mode to On.
- Input IP Address of client (on same WiFi).
- Reboot TV.(Unplug and Plug the TV)
Input http://TV_IP:8001 a browser as same network AP
Server logging
- select 'error log' type and enter 'view logs'
- open http://TV_IP:8001/logs/ automatically
- you can catch all message of sender - server - receiver
Debugging Tizen Web App
- Refer to Smart TV SDK Debugging Tools.
Web Inspector