Tizen .NET TV Q&A

The following questions are related to developing applications for Tizen .NET TV.

Samsung TVs that support the TizenFX TV framework implement the following open .NET libraries:

  • 2018 TV models:
    • Newtonsoft.Json 10.0.3
  • 2019 TV models:
    • HarfBuzzSharp
    • Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.1
    • SkiaSharp 1.60.3
    • SuperSocket.ClientEngine.Core 0.10.0
    • WebSocket4Net 0.15.2

#tizenfx #framework #open library #tv device


Yes, you can test and debug Tizen .NET TV applications on 2019 and later Samsung TV models.

#test #debug #tv device


No. For security reasons, you cannot use the DllImport attribute to call methods from native ".so" libraries within the TizenFX framework.

However, you can use the DllImport attribute to call methods from signed native ".so" libraries within your application package. You must be a member of a Seller Office partner group to build or sign native ".so" libraries. For more information, contact your Seller Office Content Manager.

#dllimport #native library #so library #tizenfx #interop #so file


Yes. The application package cannot contain any libraries from the TizenFX TV framework. When you build the application package in Visual Studio, exclude all DLL files from Tizen.Net, Tizen.Net.TV, and open .NET libraries that are part of the TizenFX TV framework. For more information, see How to customize TPK package.

#tizenfx #dll file #library #framework #building #exclude #packaging


No, .NET and Tizen .NET TV framework are available only for Samsung Smart TVs.

#tizenfx #htv #b2btv