Implementing the Purchase Process

This topic describes how to implement a billing system for managing products, sales, and payments, by using Samsung Checkout in your application.

Related Info


Implement a billing system for in-app purchases in your application, by using Samsung Checkout through the DPI service APIs and the purchase API and GUI.


To implement in-app purchases:

  1. Before you start implementing Samsung Checkout in your application, start registering your application at the Samsung Apps TV Seller Office. You do not need to complete the registration with your source code at this point. To be able to use the DPI portal, you need to proceed to the second step of the App Registration Page and set the "Billing" field to "Use" and the "Samsung Checkout on TV" field to "Yes". You can save the registration at this point and return to it later when your source code is complete. For more information, see the Samsung Checkout DPI Portal guide.

  2. Install the following NuGet packages:

    • Tizen.TV
    • Tizen.TV.Service.Billing
    • Tizen.TV.Service.Sso
  3. To access the device and user information, and use the methods of the Tizen.TV.Service.Billing and Tizen.TV.Service.Sso namespaces, the application has to request permission by adding the following privileges to the "tizen-manifest.xml" file:

    <tizen:privilege name=""/>
    <tizen:privilege name=""/>
    <tizen:privilege name=""/>
  4. Initialize the required variables:

    1. Retrieve the User ID:

      using Tizen.TV.Service.Sso;
      string uniqueId = "abc";// Set an unique id that you can identify your user. "abc" is a one of the example for Unique custom id. you can assign id managed by your service
    2. Retrieve the country code:

      using Tizen.TV;
      string country = Environment.SmartHubConfig.Country;
    3. Retrieve the server type:

      using Tizen.TV;
      SmartHubConfig.ServerType tvServerType = Environment.SmartHubConfig.Server;
    4. Set the service environment:

      using Tizen.TV;
      SmartHubConfig.ServerType tvServerType = Environment.SmartHubConfig.Server;
      BillingRequestServerType serverType;
      string securityKey;
        case SmartHubConfig.ServerType.Operating:
          serverType = BillingRequestServerType.Prd;
          securityKey = "***********";
        case SmartHubConfig.ServerType.Developement:
          serverType = BillingRequestServerType.Dev;
          securityKey = "***********";

DPI Service APIs

The Tizen.TV.Service.Billing namespace enables you to access the APIs provided by the DPI service, to manage products and sales.

Generating Check Values

The check value is used by the DPI service to verify Purchase List and Products List API requests. It is a Base64 hash generated by applying the HMAC SHA256 algorithm on a concatenated string of parameters using the DPI security key.

The application can also use the check value to verify that API response data from the DPI server is legitimate. To ensure the data integrity of requests and responses in real time, generate and verify the check value for API requests and responses during runtime.

To generate the check value, the following 2 items are used as parameters:

  • Concatenation of the required parameters
    For example, "12345"+"123"+"US"+"2"+"1" is concatenated to "12345123US21".
    The required parameters vary depending on the API.
  • DPI security key
    The DPI security key is issued at the DPI portal.

To generate the HMAC SHA256 hash:

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
private string GetCheckValue(string strMsg, string strKey)
  var encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
  byte[] byteKey = encoding.GetBytes(strKey);
  byte[] dataToHmac = encoding.GetBytes(strMsg);

  HMACSHA256 hmac = new HMACSHA256(byteKey);
  return Convert.ToBase64String(hmac.ComputeHash(dataToHmac));

Requesting User Purchases

The Purchase List API requests the list of purchased items for a specific user, usually the currently logged-in user. The API response identifies whether purchased products have been applied or have been refunded.

To call the Purchase List API, use the GetPurchaseList() method:

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Tizen.TV.Service.Billing;
using Tizen.TV.Service.Sso;
using Tizen.TV;

public void Request_Purchase_list()
  BillingPlugin pIBilling = new BillingPlugin();

  pIBilling.RequestAPIEventHandler += new BillingRequestAPICallbackEventHandler(RequestPurchaseListCallbackEvent);

  string strAppId = "**********"; // Your application ID
  string strUniqueCustomID = "abc";  // Unique customer ID. "abc" is a one of the example for Unique custom id. you can assign id managed by your service
  string strCountryCode = Environment.SmartHubConfig.Country;
  string strItemType = "2";
  string strSecurityKey = "**********"; // Your security key issued by DPI portal
  int iPageNumber = 1;

  string strCheckValue = GetCheckValue(strAppId + strUniqueCustomID + strCountryCode + strItemType + iPageNumber, strSecurityKey);

  bool bRet = pIBilling.GetPurchaseList(strAppId, strUniqueCustomID, strCountryCode, iPageNumber, strCheckValue, servertype);
  if (bRet)
    // API call success
    // API call fail

private string GetCheckValue(string strMsg, string strKey)
  var encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
  byte[] byteKey = encoding.GetBytes(strKey);
  byte[] dataToHmac = encoding.GetBytes(strMsg);

  HMACSHA256 hmac = new HMACSHA256(byteKey);
  return Convert.ToBase64String(hmac.ComputeHash(dataToHmac));

private void RequestPurchaseListCallbackEvent(object sender, BillingRequestAPICallbackEventArgs e)
  // Do something

The following tables describe the Purchase List API parameters. The response data is in JSON format.

  • Purchase List API request parameters:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    "AppID" String True Application ID
    "CustomID" Unique Customer ID
    Same value as the "OrderCustomID" parameter for the BuyItem() method.

    "CountryCode" Country code
    The country code must be retrieved from the TV.

    "PageNumber" Number Requested page number
    Range: 1~N
    Each purchase record page has up to 100 entries. To receive the complete purchase record, post Purchase List API requests while increasing the "PageNumber" value, until "EOF" is returned in the "CPResult" parameter.

    "CheckValue" String Security check value
    Required parameters: "AppID" + "CustomID" + "CountryCode" + "ItemType" + "PageNumber"

    "ServerType" Possible values:
    • "DEV": Staging zone
    • "PRD": Operating zone

    Table 1. Purchase List API request parameters

  • Purchase List API response parameters:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    "CPStatus" String True Result code:
    • “100000”: Success
    • “ErrorCode”: Failure

    "CPResult" False Result message:
    • "EOF": Last page of the purchase history
    • "hasNext:TRUE": Purchase history has further pages
    • Other message corresponding to the "CPStatus" error code

    "TotalCount" Number True Total number of invoices
    Sum of all purchase history pages, or sum of purchase history in the specified time period.

    "CheckValue" String Security check value
    Required parameters: "CPStatus" + "CPResult" + "TotalCount" + "InvoiceDetails[0].ItemID" + … + "InvoiceDetails[TotalCount].ItemID"

    "InvoiceDetails" JSON False Invoice information
    "Seq" Number True Sequence number
    Range: 1 ~ TotalCount

    "InvoiceID" String Invoice ID
    "ItemID" Product ID
    "ItemTitle" Product name
    "ItemType" Number Product type:
    • "1": CONSUMABLE
    The response "ItemType" value differs from the request "ItemType" value. The response value contains more detail.

    "OrderTime" String Payment time, in 14-digit UTC time, for example, "20140314175900"
    "Period" Number False Limited period product duration, in minutes
    "Price" True Product price, in "xxxx.yy" format
    "OrderCurrencyID" String Currency code

    "CancelStatus" Boolean Cancellation status:
    • "true": Sale canceled
    • "false": Sale ongoing
    For subscription products, indicates the cancellation status for the next subscription cycle.

    "AppliedStatus" Product application status:
    • "true": Applied
    • "false": Not applied
    For subscription products, the default value is "true".

    "AppliedTime" String False Time product applied, in 14-digit UTC time
    "LimitEndTime" Limited period product end time, in 14-digit UTC time
    For limited period products only.
    "LimitEndTime" = "AppliedTime" + "Period"

    "RemainTime" Limited period product time remaining, in seconds
    For limited period products only.
    "RemainTime" = "LimitEndTime" – request time

    "SubscriptionInfo" JSON Subscription information 
    Mandatory for subscription products.

    "SubscriptionId" String True Subscription ID
    "SubsStartTime" Subscription start time, in 14-digit UTC time
    "SubsEndTime" Subscription expiry time, in 14-digit UTC time
    "SubsStatus" Subscription status:
    • "00": Active
    • "01": Subscription expired
    • "02": Canceled by buyer
    • "03": Canceled for payment failure
    • "04": Canceled by CP
    • "05": Canceled by admin

    Table 2. Purchase List API response parameters

Requesting Products for Sale

The Products List API requests product information from the DPI server. When the API is in "show" status, it returns the information for the products on sale. This API is generally used to generate a list of buyable products in the application.

To call the Products List API, use the GetProductsList() method:

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Tizen.TV.Service.Billing;
using Tizen.TV;
public void Request_product_list()
  BillingPlugin pIBilling = new BillingPlugin();

  pIBilling.RequestAPIEventHandler += new BillingRequestAPICallbackEventHandler(RequestProductListCallbackEvent);

  string strAppId = "**********"; // Your application ID
  string strCountryCode = Environment.SmartHubConfig.Country;
  string strSecurityKey = "**********"; // Your security key issued by DPI portal
  string strCheckValue = GetCheckValue(strAppId + strCountryCode, strSecurityKey);

  int iPageSize = 100;
  int iPageNumber = 1;

  bool bRet = pIBilling.GetProductsList(strAppId, strCountryCode, iPageSize, iPageNumber, strCheckValue, servertype);
  if (bRet)
    // API call success
    // API call fail

private string GetCheckValue(string strMsg, string strKey)
  var encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
  byte[] byteKey = encoding.GetBytes(strKey);
  byte[] dataToHmac = encoding.GetBytes(strMsg);

  HMACSHA256 hmac = new HMACSHA256(byteKey);
  return Convert.ToBase64String(hmac.ComputeHash(dataToHmac));

private void RequestProductListCallbackEvent(object sender, BillingRequestAPICallbackEventArgs e)
  // Do something after parsing e.Result
  JObject ProductListObj = JObject.Parse(e.Result);
  JArray jArray = JArray.Parse(ProductListObj.GetValue("ItemDetails").ToString());
  ProductInfos = jArray.Select(p => new ProductInfo
    ItemType = (string)p["ItemType"],
    Price = (string)p["Price"],
    ItemTitle = (string)p["ItemTitle"],
    ItemID = (string)p["ItemID"],
    CurrencyID = (string)p["CurrencyID"]

The following tables describe the Products List API parameters. The response data is in JSON format.

  • Products List API request parameters:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    "AppID" String True Application ID
    "CountryCode" Country code
    The country code must be retrieved from the TV.

    "PageSize" Number False Requested page size
    Range: 1~N (maximum 100)
    Number of products retrieved per page.

    "PageNumber" Requested page number
    Range: 1~N
    Each purchase record page has a number of entries equal to the "PageSize" value. To receive the complete purchase record, post Purchase List API requests while increasing the "PageNumber" value, until "EOF" is returned in the "CPResult" parameter.

    "CheckValue" String True Security check value
    Required parameters: "AppID" + "CountryCode"

    "ServerType" Possible values:
    • "DEV": Staging zone
    • "PRD": Operating zone

    Table 3. Products List API request parameters

  • Products List API response parameters:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    "CPStatus" String True Result code:
    • “100000”: Success
    • “ErrorCode”: Failure

    "CPResult" False Result message:
    • "EOF": Last page of the purchase history
    • "hasNext:TRUE": Purchase history has further pages
    • Other message corresponding to the "CPStatus" error code

    "TotalCount" Number True Total number of invoices
    Sum of all purchase history pages, or sum of purchase history in the specified time period.

    "CheckValue" String Security check value
    Required parameters: "CPStatus" + "CPResult" + "TotalCount" + "InvoiceDetails[0].ItemID" + … + "InvoiceDetails[TotalCount].ItemID"

    "ItemDetails" JSON False Invoice information
    "Seq" Number True Sequence number
    Range: 1 ~ TotalCount

    "ItemID" String Product ID
    "ItemTitle" Product name
    "ItemType" Number Product type:
    • "1": CONSUMABLE

    "Period" False Limited period product duration, in minutes
    "Price" True Product price, in "xxxx.yy" format
    "CurrencyID" String Currency code

    "SubscriptionInfo" JSON False Subscription information 
    Mandatory for subscription products.

    "PaymentCyclePeriod" String True Subscription payment period:
    • "D": Days
    • "W": Weeks
    • "M": Months

    "PaymentCycleFrq" Number Payment cycle frequency
    "PaymentCycle" Number of payment cycles

    Table 4. Products List API response parameters

Verifying Purchases

The Verify Purchase API checks whether a purchase, corresponding to the requested "InvoiceID", was successful.

To call the Verify Purchase API, use the VerifyInvoice() method:

using System;
using Tizen.TV.Service.Billing;
using Tizen.TV.Service.Sso;
using Tizen.TV;

public void Request_Verify_Purchase(string strInvoiceID)
  BillingPlugin pIBilling = new BillingPlugin();

  pIBilling.RequestAPIEventHandler += new BillingRequestAPICallbackEventHandler(RequestVerifyInvoiceCallbackEvent);

  string strAppId = "**********"; // Your application ID
  strUniqueCustomID = "abc"; // Unique customer ID. "abc" is a one of the example for Unique custom id. you can assign id managed by your service
  // strInvoiceID = issued by GetPurchaseList
  string strCountryCode = Environment.SmartHubConfig.Country;

  bool bRet = pIBilling.VerifyInvoice(m_strAppId, strUniqueCustomID, strInvoiceID, strCountryCode, servertype);
  if (bRet)
    // API call success
    // API call fail

private void RequestVerifyInvoiceCallbackEvent(object sender, BillingRequestAPICallbackEventArgs e)
  // Do something

The following tables describe the Verify Purchase API parameters. The response data is in JSON format.

  • Verify Purchase API request parameters:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    "AppID" String True Application ID
    "InvoiceID" Invoice ID
    "CustomID" Unique Customer ID
    Same value as the "OrderCustomID" parameter for the BuyItem() method.

    "CountryCode" Country code
    The country code must be retrieved from the TV.

    "ServerType" Possible values:
    • "DEV": Staging zone
    • "PRD": Operating zone

    Table 5. Verify Purchase API request parameters

  • Verify Purchase API response parameters:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    "CPStatus" String True Result code:
    • “100000”: Success
    • “ErrorCode”: Failure

    "CPResult" False Result message:
    • "SUCCESS"
    • Other message corresponding to the "CPStatus" error code

    "AppID" True Requested application ID
    "InvoiceID" Requested invoice ID

    Table 6. Verify Purchase API response parameters

Applying Products

The Apply Product API supports product management to help guarantee secure sales of your products. Normally, the DPI service is notified that the purchased product has been successfully applied. The Apply Product API is used in situations where purchase result delivery to the application encounters issues and is not successful. For example, if the network connection is interrupted, the application can fail to receive the "payment complete" message, even though the payment was completed. In this situation, the product is not applied to the application. You can check for unapplied products using the "AppliedStatus" parameter of the Purchase List API response and apply the product at that time.

For subscription products, the product is considered applied at the time of purchase and the "AppliedStatus" is set to "true" by default. Consequently, it is not necessary to check whether a subscription product purchase corresponding to the requested "InvoiceID" was successful.

To call the Apply Product API, use the ApplyInvoice() method:

using System;
using Tizen.TV.Service.Billing;
using Tizen.TV.Service.Sso;
using Tizen.TV;

public void Request_Apply_Purchase(string strInvoiceID)
  BillingPlugin pIBilling = new BillingPlugin();

  pIBilling.RequestAPIEventHandler += new BillingRequestAPICallbackEventHandler(RequestApplyInvoiceCallbackEvent);

  string strAppId = "**********"; // Your application ID
  string strUniqueCustomID = "abc"; // Unique customer ID. "abc" is a one of the example for Unique custom id. you can assign id managed by your service
  // strInvoiceID = issued by GetPurchaseList
  string strCountryCode = Environment.SmartHubConfig.Country;

  bool bRet = pIBilling.ApplyInvoice(strAppId, strUniqueCustomID, strInvoiceID, strCountryCode, servertype); if (bRet)
    // API call success
    // API call fail

private void RequestApplyInvoiceCallbackEvent(object sender, BillingRequestAPICallbackEventArgs e)
  // Do something

The following tables describe the Apply Product API parameters. The response data is in JSON format.

  • Apply Product API request parameters:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    "AppID" String True Application ID
    "InvoiceID" Invoice ID
    "CustomID" Unique Customer ID
    Same value as the "OrderCustomID" parameter for the BuyItem() method.

    "CountryCode" Country code
    The country code must be retrieved from the TV.

    "ServerType" Possible values:
    • "DEV": Staging zone
    • "PRD": Operating zone

    Table 7. Apply Purchase API request parameters

  • Apply Product API response parameters:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    "CPStatus" String True Result code:
    • "100000": Success
    • "ErrorCode": Failure

    "CPResult" False Result message:
    • "SUCCESS"
    • Other message corresponding to the "CPStatus" error code

    "AppliedTime" True Time product applied, in 14-digit UTC time, for example, "20140314175900"

    Table 8. Apply Product API response parameters

Canceling Subscriptions

You can only use the Subscription Cancel API with subscription products, to request canceling the subscription. The DPI server returns the subscription expiry time and the current subscription status.

To call the Subscription Cancel API, use the CancelSubscription() method:

using System;
using Tizen.TV.Service.Billing;
using Tizen.TV.Service.Sso;
using Tizen.TV;

public void Request_Cancel_Subscription(string strSubscriptionID)
  BillingPlugin pIBilling = new BillingPlugin();

  pIBilling.RequestAPIEventHandler += new BillingRequestAPICallbackEventHandler(RequestCancelSubscriptionCallbackEvent);

  string strAppId = "**********"; // Your application ID
  string strUniqueCustomID = "abc"; // Unique customer ID. "abc" is a one of the example for Unique custom id. you can assign id managed by your service
  // strSubscriptionID = issued by GetPurchaseList
  string strCountryCode = Environment.SmartHubConfig.Country;

  bool bRet = pIBilling.CancelSubscription(strAppId, strUniqueCustomID, strSubscriptionID, strCountryCode, servertype); if (bRet)
    // API call success
    // API call fail

private void RequestCancelSubscriptionCallbackEvent(object sender, BillingRequestAPICallbackEventArgs e)
  // Do something

The following tables describe the Subscription Cancel API parameters. The response data is in JSON format.

  • Subscription Cancel API request parameters:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    "AppID" String True Application ID
    "SubscriptionID" Subscription ID
    "CustomID" Unique Customer ID
    Same value as the "OrderCustomID" parameter for the BuyItem() method.

    "CountryCode" Country code
    The country code must be retrieved from the TV.

    "ServerType" Possible values:
    • "DEV": Staging zone
    • "PRD": Operating zone

    Table 9. Subscription Cancel API request parameters

  • Subscription Cancel API response parameters:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    "CPStatus" String True Result code:
    • "100000": Success
    • "ErrorCode": Failure

    "CPResult" False Result message:
    • "SUCCESS"
    • Other message corresponding to the "CPStatus" error code

    "InvoiceID" True Invoice ID
    "SubsCancelTime" False Time subscription canceled, in 14-digit UTC time, for example, "20140314175900"
    "SubsStatus" Subscription status:
    • "00": Active
    • "01": Subscription expired
    • "02": Canceled by buyer
    • "03": Canceled for payment failure
    • "04": Canceled by CP
    • "05": Canceled by admin

    Table 10. Subscription Cancel API response parameters

DPI Result Codes

The following table lists result codes and messages that are returned by the DPI service.

Result Code Result Message Description
100000 "SUCCESS" Additional messages:
  • "hasNext:TRUE": Product list or purchase history has further pages
  • "EOF": Last page of the product list or purchase history
  • "Your Invoice Not Found": No purchase history exists

400111 "AppID not correct" Requested application ID does not exist

Table 11. DPI result codes and messages

For explanations of additional DPI result codes, at the DPI portal, go to "Help > Error Code".

Purchase API and GUI

When the user wants to make a purchase, authenticate the user and show the common purchase GUI with the BuyItem() method of the Tizen.TV.Service.Billing namespace.

You can customize the product image in Samsung Checkout by providing the URI to an image on your own content server.

Default image Product image

Table 12. Display your own product image

To show the common purchase GUI, call the BuyItem() method:

using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Tizen.TV.Service.Billing;
using Tizen.TV.Service.Sso;
using Tizen.TV;

public void Request_Buy_Item()
  BillingPlugin pIBilling = new BillingPlugin();

  pIBilling.BuyItemEventHandler += new BillingClientClosedEventHandler(BuyItemCallbackEvent);

  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);

  string appId = "**********"; // Your application ID
  string uniqueCustomID = "abc"; // Unique customer ID. "abc" is a one of the example for Unique custom id. you can assign id managed by your service
  BillingRequestServerType servertype = GetBillingServerType();

  using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw))
    writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
    writer.WriteValue(price); // Issued by GetProductList
    writer.WriteValue(itemID); // Issued by GetProductList
    writer.WriteValue(itemTitle); // Issued by GetProductList
    writer.WriteValue(currencyID); // Issued by GetProductList
  bool bRet = pIBilling.BuyItem(appId, servertype, sb.ToString());
  if (bRet)
    // API call success
    // API call fail

private void BuyItemCallbackEvent(object sender, BillingClientClosedEventArgs e)
  //  Do something

private BillingRequestServerType GetBillingServerType()
  var tvServerType = Environment.SmartHubConfig.Server;
  BillingRequestServerType serverType;
  switch (tvServerType)
    case SmartHubConfig.ServerType.Operating:
      serverType = BillingRequestServerType.Prd;
    case SmartHubConfig.ServerType.Developement:
      serverType = BillingRequestServerType.Dev;
      serverType = BillingRequestServerType.Prd;
  return serverType;

The BuyItem() method request and response data are in JSON format:

  • BuyItem() method request parameters:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    "AppID" String True Application ID
    "PaymentServer" Possible values:
    • "DEV": Staging zone
    • "DUMMY": Staging zone with dummy payment
    • "PRD": Operating zone

    "PaymentDetails" JSON Payment details
    OrderItemID" String True Purchase item ID, for example, "DP123400000000"
    "ItemID" issued by the Products List API.

    "OrderTitle" Purchase item title
    "ItemTitle" issued by the Products List API.
    The length must not exceed 100 characters.

    "OrderTotal" Total purchase price
    "Price" issued by the Products List API.
    When converting the number to string type, pay attention to the unit separators.

    "OrderCurrencyID" Purchase currency unit
    "CurrencyID" issued by the Products List API.

    "OrderID" False Management ID for purchases managed by third-party applications
    "OrderCustomID" True Unique customer ID
    "OrderItemPath" False Item image URI
    The image must be in JPEG, JPG, or PNG format.

    "DynmcProductID" True
    (dynamic products only)

    Unique ID for dynamic product from a third-party application
    "DynmcProductInfo" Dynamic product item type, such as rental or permanent purchase
    "DynmcShareCategory" Dynamic product share category
    "DynmcTaxCategory" Dynamic product tax category
    "StltAppId" False Settlement application ID
    For Samsung internal use only. Do not use.

    Table 13. BuyItem() method request parameters

  • BuyItem() method response parameters:

    Parameter Type Mandatory Description
    "payResult" String True Possible values:
    • “SUCCESS”
    • “FAILED”
    • “CANCEL”: Canceled by the user

    "payDetail" JSON False Payment details
    "InvoiceID" String False Purchased Invoice ID, for example, "DO1904US000007153", this value is only available when payResult is "SUCCESS" otherwise, you will not get any value for "InvoiceID"

    Table 14. buyItem() response parameters

  • "InvoiceID" in payDetail is available since Tizen 5.0
  • The “Dynamic Product” type is also supported on Samsung Checkout.
    For more information on offering dynamic products in your application, contact a Samsung representative by going to "Samsung Apps TV Seller Office > Support" and creating a "1:1 Q&A" support ticket.

Country and Currency Codes

The following table lists countries with their corresponding country code, currency, and currency code.

Country Name Country Code Currency Currency Code
Aland Islands AX Euro EUR
Argentina AR Argentine peso ARS
Australia AU Australian dollar AUD
Austria AT Euro EUR
Belgium BE Euro EUR
Brazil BR Brazilian real BRL
Bulgaria BG Bulgarian lev BGN
Canada CA Canadian dollar CAD
Chile CL Chilean peso CLP
Colombia CO Colombian peso COP
Croatia HR Croatian kuna HRK
Czech Republic CZ Czech koruna CZK
Denmark DK Danish krone DKK
Estonia EE Euro EUR
Faroe Islands FO Danish krone DKK
Finland FI Euro EUR
France FR Euro EUR
Germany DE Euro EUR
Greece GR Euro EUR
Greenland GL Danish krone DKK
Guatemala GT Guatemalan quetzal GTQ
Guernsey GG British pound GBP
Hong Kong HK Hong Kong dollar HKD
Hungary HU Hungarian forint HUF
India IN Indian rupee INR
Indonesia ID Indonesian rupiah IDR
Ireland IE Euro EUR
Isle of Man IM British pound GBP
Israel IL Israeli shekel ILS
Italy IT Euro EUR
Jersey JE British pound GBP
Jordan JO Jordanian dinar JOD
Kazakhstan KZ Kazakhstani tenge KZT
Korea, Republic of KR South Korean won KRW
Latvia LV Euro EUR
Lithuania LT Euro EUR
Luxembourg LU Euro EUR
Malaysia MY Malaysian ringgit MYR
Mexico MX Mexican peso MXN
Netherlands NL Euro EUR
New Zealand NZ New Zealand dollar NZD
Norway NO Norwegian krone NOK
Panama PA US dollar USD
Peru PE Peruvian sol PEN
Philippines PH Philippine peso PHP
Poland PL Polish zloty PLN
Portugal PT Euro EUR
Romania RO Euro EUR
Russia RU Russian ruble RUB
Saudi Arabia SA Saudi riyal SAR
Singapore SG Singapore dollar SGD
Slovakia SK Euro EUR
Slovenia SI Euro EUR
South Africa ZA South African rand ZAR
Spain ES Euro EUR
Sweden SE Swedish krona SEK
Switzerland CH Swiss franc CHF
Taiwan TW New Taiwan dollar TWD
Thailand TH Thai baht THB
Turkey TR Turkish lira TRY
United Arab Emirates AE Emiriti dirham AED
Ukraine UA Ukrainian hryvnia UAH
United Kingdom GB British pound GBP
United States of America US US dollar USD
Vietnam VN Vietnamese dong VND

Table 15. Country and currency codes