Wider Screen Displays

This topic describes how to test your application on 32:9 aspect ratio screens in the TV Emulator, and how to create Web applications that support ultrawide 21:9 and 32:9 aspect ratio screens.

Figure 1. Emulator screen in 32:9 aspect ratio

Creating a 32:9 Aspect Ratio Emulator Instance

To create a TV Emulator instance for a 32:9 aspect ratio (3840x1080 px) screen, select the "HD3840" device definition during emulator configuration.

Figure 2. Device definition selection

Implementing Ultrawide Screen Support

To enable your Web application to fill a 21:9 aspect ratio (2560x1080 px) or wider screen, add the base_screen_resolution metadata key with the value extensive to the application's "config.xml" file:

<tizen:metadata key="http://tizen.org/metadata/app_ui_type/base_screen_resolution" value="extensive"/>

The following figure illustrates how a 21:9 aspect ratio video is displayed on a 32:9 aspect ratio screen when ultrawide screen support is enabled.

Figure 3. 21:9 aspect ratio video display size on a 32:9 aspect ratio screen